A Pilgrimage for millions of Muslims on Arafat Day

Arafat Day follows the lunar calendar and its date changes every year. In 2023, the important date falls on June 27th. The day after Arafat Day, Muslims celebrate one of the most significant festivals of the year, Eid al-Adha.

Believers gather on Arafat Day during Hajj, which is the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca, specifically at Mount Arafat, located twenty kilometres from the sacred city. Pilgrims spend this day on the slopes of the mountain and in the surrounding valley. This place allows them to focus on their spiritual development and spend time in prayers, reflections, and reading sacred texts.

On this festive day, Muslims observe fasting. They are allowed to eat only in the early morning before sunrise and after sunset, and only halal food should be consumed, but exceptions are permissible in cases of extreme necessity.

It is believed that sins are multiplied on this day, while good deeds are rewarded by Allah. Therefore, on Arafat Day, it is customary to seek forgiveness for sins and offences. It is also important to first apologise directly to the person you have wronged and then sincerely ask for forgiveness in prayer.

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